Saturday, 2 December 2023

On the (Ice Cold) Film Set

Last weekend was packed. I had two schifts (me and my odd part-time jobs are theme for another day) and I finally got to actual filming!

It´s not for lack of trying that I didn´t get many experiences in the industry. One or two years ago, I wanted to make a film. I had script, actors, camera, everything was ready. Except it was not. Two actors who dated broke-up (very badly), main actress started to hate me (still don´t know why), camera refused to actually work, and overall, I feel like we were hexed. 
I also volunteered to help with a horror flick filmed in my hometown, but nothing (not even the movie) ever came out of it.
And I shot, wrote and directed commercial for an imaginary coffee, but I wouldn´tput that on a CV.
So yeah, the experiences weren´t best. 

This time it was better. I was asked by a friend to be a producer and I also dubbled as a clapperboard girl. Honestly, we were kinda unlucky, because both actors left, which was fine as we had to a month to start filming at the time, but two members of our staff followed them two days before the first take.
Director´s boyfriend had to jump in and take a camera, happily, he already studies film as well, but still. If I was a real producer, I would give them hell for such a last minute flunk. 
At least I managed to replace the actors with my friends, which both showed unexpected talent and dedication
 So when we actually met at Zlín Střed, there was five of us (director, cinematographer, actors and me). I came straight off a shift, selling cheese at a Christmas market. It was 16:35, already cold as hell, and we had just one night, I had to go by 5:45, straight to another shift. 

This is how filming looks like from far afar. Why was so I so distant? Well, somebody had to guard our things so they wouldn´t get stolen. Other than trying to secure our belongings, I had to make people somehow quiet during takes. 
Director (Tris) sent me to a couple of guys that looked absolutelly baked. I asked them to be quiter for a few minutes until we finish one take. The weirder one didn´t like my idea. He started talking how he don´t believe us, doesn´t want to have it on camera when he hurts someone ("Uhm," I told him, "So don´t hurt anyone?") and that we are bitches. He atributed all of this to the fact that he is from Ostrava. 
I studied here. I did not get paranoia with my high school diploma. His friend got fed up by him, so by the time our cinematograph (Erik) arrived to save me, he dragged him out of train station. 

After that, there was not many people, but when there were ay, they were drunk. The train station we filmed on had a pub built in, which didn´t make filming any easier. 
Still, we were working hard, so even with a kebab break (Matěj, main actor, insisted on it and we agreed it would be nice to get somewhere warmer) we finished around 1:00 AM. I didn´t feel like spending a few more hours on that place, so Tris and Erik let me sleep at their place. 

I still haven´t seen the finished product, but I think it will be good. More dramatic moments are pretty funny while filming, but once you see them on camera, they look great. Everything looks better on camera. 
That´s why I love the medium. Tris is excited abou getting to put her picture throzgh colouring programs, and I can see why. I will update you when it will be ready. Those (circa) 10 minutes costed us 9 hours of live, but it was a great 9 hours. 

Almost every big director will tell that film school is a waste of time and that you just have to grab a camera and your friends and go filming. Actually, you can make most of this in film school. Most companies wouldn´t hire you without official experience anyway, and that´s pretty hard to gain without you parent´s money or film school. 
Also, some of my classmates are already pretty skilled, so I can learn a lot just from spending my time with them.
College, in my opinion, is most important because of networking. It´s what everyone makes out of it, and I will try to make the most.

That´s all for today, bye!

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Another Tartan Coord

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