Saturday, 11 November 2023

Kostnice, A Very Goth Destination

Sometimes, aesthetics are the main reason for travel. There´s nothing wrong with it, if people didn´t want beautiful things in their life, where would we be? 
While this decor is to big extent a philosophic choice, it´s also a great artistic idea that feels interesting even after centuries.
Those bones were disinterred in the 16th century, after which half-blind monk organized them into pyramids. Then they waited there until 18th century when they became an official part of the decor. They are meant to remind us of our short lives. 
I wish my final work for art school had such a timeless and philosophic quantity.

Even crest is made of bones

My dad once took me there, and in real life, it´s not only stunning but also a little sad. There is something gritty about parading around hunderts of dead people. 
They used to have their own thing going on, but now nobody remembers them or cares about their former lives. 
That´s why I´m not sure if I would want to do photoshoot there, but otherwise, if you ever find yourself near Kutná Hora, you should visit this ossuary. It´s a part of Kostel všech svatých (All Saints Church).
The church is a little bit plain from the outside.

In 2017, Krad Lanrete released a dress inspired by this gem of Czech architecture. It´s named Kostelík Vech savtych a kostnicí JSK, which is a little bit butchered name, but I get it. Czech language is hard.

There are two cuts with same print, but the bodice differs. While I usually love gothic windows and mix of bones and architecture is pretty cool, too, I´m not too crazy about rest of the design. Still, it´s great that foreigners care about our culture enough to get inspired by it. 
Saint Vitus, Cesky Krumlov and Prague Astronomical Clock are another great examples of this.

How do you feel about lolita releases inspired by your country? And would you like to visit Kostnice? 

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Another Tartan Coord

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