Thursday, 30 November 2023

An Another Angelus

An Another Angelus is a Japanesse brand. They specialize in elegant clothing with retro feeling, usually fitting into its season´s concept. They are very poetic in their presentation, trying to evoke the old charm as much as they can. 
I think I can leave then to introduce themself:

"A small hideaway quietly nestled in the back streets of Paris.
When you open the door. .. .. 』\
Expressing a nostalgic but new retro feeling like a lady,
Suggest an adult female wardrobe." 

I found out about them through Vinted, one dress I bought was made by them. It was an awesome loli-able jumperskirt in green tartan.

As of now, I don´t have a better picture of it (this one is by the seller), but I will wore it to the Christmas teaparty I atteded last year. It was be my first bigger event. It´s made out of plushy wool, making it very comfortable. I was told several times it makes me look like a Christmas Fairy or Victorian lady, both being nice vibes :D. 

Because of this pleasant experience, I looked into the brand little more. While they don´t cater to lolitas, their vintage, romantic style can easily blend into every wardrobe. And honestly, I feel like at least for Autumn and Christmas, everyone should have at least one piece like theirs in their wardrobe, regardless of style. Most of their products look nostalgic and cozy.
I can see them going well with otome.

From their Twitter

They release a new collection every season, with looks inspired by various decades of the 20th and late 19th century, those pieces being mostly solids, tartans or plaid. Sometimes, there is print, too, usually all over. I think my dress is the only one with a border print I saw.
They won´t let you freeze in winter, since they sell many coats, sweaters and even furry cuffs. Their last year's collection named Kaite, with theme of British holiday. 

The theme is "British holiday"
. Kaite's winter wardrobe will be developed in a busy British town during the holiday season.
You can enjoy shopping at a long-established department store with retro packages, or prepare for presents... ♪
Don't miss the season's key colors such as British green, gold, and red.

But they aren´t afraid of experimenting, for example, they carry denim jumper skirt. Flowy, long and in two colors - indigo and orange.

From their web

This was last year, but it was my favorite collection so far. This year, their vision is Passage Marilou.
The theme is “Going to the “Passage” in Paris to prepare for winter”

"A bookstore with art books, a candy shop, miniatures and embroidery,
Visit unique shops such as yarn specialty stores and find your favorite...♡
Set in a passageway with a landscape that makes you feel like you've traveled back in time,
Unfold Malilou's winter wardrobe.

Honestly, I´m not so excited about it. It lacks color (other than greys and whites, and a little bit of moody accents) and just overall looks unhappy to me. On the other hand, they have other fans that are able to actually shop in their store, and if they are happy, that´s all what matters.


They are one of the brands that writes model's height under every photo. It´s very helpful, especially if you are of an unusual height like me. I hate having to shorten everything I buy, mostly when I think it´s going to be good. Now I wouldn´t have false expectations and wouldn´t end up disappointed.
(No, really, I am just a little bit shorter than their shortest model - their clothes would probably fit me perfectly :D.) Their page also carries many coordinates.
They also promote their staff with their styling on Instagram. Each one has a different style. At least they didn´t sacrifice their quality, still being proud about their original textils.

And if you are a hat person, they won´t let you down. I think hats are seriously underrated by the majority. Not just berets, those are pretty common, but cloches, straw hats, etc. At least bucket hats are having their moment 

But their clothes aren´t just for ladies. I probably made it look like they make dresses just for tea parties and cricket. Their clothes can easily be styled in a more youthful way. I know stating that something is youthful makes it even older, but please, trust me.

I think that I will have to get more clothes from them, because they seem like great opinion for career. I can imagine myself attending... ehh... meetings? Or any other stuff film producents do. I like they can be both casual and dressy, depending on the context and stylization. 
So have a nice day, bye!

I wrote this article for my old blog, but updated it and rewrote some parts. I love this brand, so I couldn´t help it but promote them. They are not well know, which is a shame. For some pictures, I couldn´t find a source, but they are all from the official website.

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Quick Snap; Tartan Drop

One of the things I don´t really enjoy about living in dorms is having to worry about my roommates dropping in whenever I do something that needs more focus and less embarassment. I feel silly when anyone sees me taking outfit photos. I should probably work on it, but as for now, I will continue snapping my coords fastest way possible. None of them came out too focused, but nevermind. 
I will get better as soon as I figure out the right angle, or get someone to take photos of me. How I miss my high school friend Klárka, my dear personal paparazzi. 

The one when you can see everything
I had better poses, but photo came out best
I have long way to go here

The blurry one I prefer

I definitely had some pirate/punk inspiration with my tartan west, I´m thinking about adding more accessories and tricorn and having it as a pirate lolita for Animefest 2024. We will see how it goes.
Until then, I swear, I will get better at posing :D.

Coord Rundown
JSK: Physical Drop
Blouse: ??? (second hand)
Headdress: Handmade
Vest: ??? (second hand)
Shoes: ??? (second hand)
OTKs: Shein


Monday, 20 November 2023

Crocheted Headdress

Some time ago, I wrote about a headdress I made. Well, it turned out to be too big to be a headdress in traditional lolita sense, but I still like it and wear it with more vintage-y outfits. Of course, I´m going to wear it with lolita too, at least until I make something more fitting :D.

Here it´s being worn

I had to change settings a little bit so you be able to actually see anything, but I think I did a good job. It´s something I will definitelly wear, unlike all of those others crafts I did just because I though they looked cool.

I look forward to making more accessories, I just wish there was more crochet/knitting patterns for lolita. I´m glad that experiments are more welcomed in EGL modern community, I love wearing my creations with coords.

Do you make handmade accessories? If so, what is your favorite? 

Until next time!

Monday, 13 November 2023

Lolita Hairstyles

While I never know what to do with my fine, short, damaged hair, I still love seeing those lolita hairstyles. While those are not worn only with lolita, my brain has them connected to the fashion. I´m thinking about getting a wig, so I could get more adventurous with my styling.

Puffball Updo
I´m not sure if it´s called that, but this tutorial uses this term, so I will go with that. There are more ways to achieve this look, but either way, I think it´s very cute. It compliments sweet and makes casual stand out more. I updos + 2010s sweet are match made in heaven.
If I will ever get my hands on Meta´s Trump Poodle OP, this is the hairstyle I´m going with.


Mana Puffs 
On oposite side, there is this relic of old school goth. I don´t think I see this one as often now, which is a shame. I will try to learn this hairstyle, because it´s simply iconic. I like the fact that you can fit a big rectangle headdress or any other accessory with it. Here´s a tutorial.


Braided Loops
I see those very often with old school coords but less with modern ones. i have to admit, they are not as versatile and probably wouldn´t suit everyone (for example, I don´t look very good with them), but they are adorable, nostalgic and if anyone can pull them off, then it´s one of the greatest hairdos in my opinion. 
It reminds me of old fairytales.

Source with tutorial

Models in all of those fotos have bangs, which makes them more balanced, but not everyone wants to cut a fringe. Those are just references and they can be modified to suit anyone. Good luck with that, I would love to see bangless versions :D.

Do you have any favorite/go to hairstyle?

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Kostnice, A Very Goth Destination

Sometimes, aesthetics are the main reason for travel. There´s nothing wrong with it, if people didn´t want beautiful things in their life, where would we be? 
While this decor is to big extent a philosophic choice, it´s also a great artistic idea that feels interesting even after centuries.
Those bones were disinterred in the 16th century, after which half-blind monk organized them into pyramids. Then they waited there until 18th century when they became an official part of the decor. They are meant to remind us of our short lives. 
I wish my final work for art school had such a timeless and philosophic quantity.

Even crest is made of bones

My dad once took me there, and in real life, it´s not only stunning but also a little sad. There is something gritty about parading around hunderts of dead people. 
They used to have their own thing going on, but now nobody remembers them or cares about their former lives. 
That´s why I´m not sure if I would want to do photoshoot there, but otherwise, if you ever find yourself near Kutná Hora, you should visit this ossuary. It´s a part of Kostel všech svatých (All Saints Church).
The church is a little bit plain from the outside.

In 2017, Krad Lanrete released a dress inspired by this gem of Czech architecture. It´s named Kostelík Vech savtych a kostnicí JSK, which is a little bit butchered name, but I get it. Czech language is hard.

There are two cuts with same print, but the bodice differs. While I usually love gothic windows and mix of bones and architecture is pretty cool, too, I´m not too crazy about rest of the design. Still, it´s great that foreigners care about our culture enough to get inspired by it. 
Saint Vitus, Cesky Krumlov and Prague Astronomical Clock are another great examples of this.

How do you feel about lolita releases inspired by your country? And would you like to visit Kostnice? 

Another Tartan Coord

Hi! (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪ I just realised how little of my coords get posted here. The truth is, I can't take a good selfie to safe my lif...