Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Tiny Haul

I tend to find weekends on dorms a little bit boring, because all of my friends are going home every week. I´m coming back to my old folks bi-weekly, so this leaves me a lot of time. 
This is how I figured out what other college students do and I have totally forgotten about - studying. I spent last three weeks partying and going out, so I didn´t even mind doing something actually useful. 
But nobody can spend three days with nose in recomended literature and presentations, at least not without sacrifacing their own sanity, so I went out shopping. There a lot of shopping centres in Olomouc, at least four I think, so I didn´t get bored.

I bought this shirt from Gate. I actually saw it some months ago, but then it got sold out, so imagine my surprise when I found it here in sales.
I really like the texture, it´s very comfy, and I´m sucker for big collars. Also, the lace is floral, which is a nice detail. I feel like this will make a cute cutsew :). 

Honestly, I don´t care so much for Halloween as an actual holiday, but I love the fact there are so many parties, TV finally broadcasts some horrors and the general aestetic. If I will manage to find a job, I will definitelly buy more, not just from Sinsay. I want to get sceleton tighs as soon as possible and gloves too, they remind me of Frank Iero. 
But because I have to buy food and pay a rent now, I got just this bat choker. 
The other things are for my costume of Selene. My friend had Freshman Crowning Party yesterday, and with costume (theme was ancient art) you got cheaper ticket. I would probably go in costume even without it, I like dressing on theme :D.

I quickly made this moon thing, so someone could actually recognize me. It was kinda wonky, but it helped.

And bonus photos - I´m taking advantage of the fact it´s autumn, probably the prettiest season, so I can wear warmer tones. I usually wear black and feel very comfy in that, but October makes me want to colorise more :D. 
Sadly, since I´m on dorms, I´m still figuring good spots to place my camera and make good pictures. Also, even after almost 20 years on this planet, I still suck at posing.

I though maybe view from below will do it, but no. It was a bad idea, but funny experiment :D. I don´t think I will try it again. You can already see the regret on my face.

My granny knitted those leg warmers and I adore them!
I had a few job interviews and I´m going on first shift in a local bar, but I don´t think I will stick here. The owner is kinda creepy and if I already wasn´t sheduled, I would probably pass it altogether. 
See you next time!

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Another Tartan Coord

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