Monday, 23 December 2024

Christmas Press-On Nails (MY FIRST ONES EVER)

 Would you believe I have never had fake nails before? In my 21 years, I survived on nail polish. That changed when I first saw the cute little box in Sinsay. The line was long (it´s Advent, after all), but I had to stand throught it anyway, so I didn´t hesitate. 

I didn´t really think either.

It doesn´t look that way, but they are at least half as long as my fingers. I realized that the moment I applied the first one on my little finger. Sadly, I had only one hour before Secret Santa with my friends (we have been hanging out since elementary school, isn´t that wild?) so I just rolled with it. 
I definitely struggled, but they hold surprisingly well. Maybe too well - I will be probably unable to properly function at least for a week. 

Next time, I will try gel instead.

There have been unhealthy amount of Christmas parties lately, but I got through all of them. Even though I don´t have any cute photo (T_T). On one of them, my... classmate? Friend? Idk. Chatted with me and my friend Zay, and suddenly was like: "Well, I´m going to talk to attractive women now." And left.
He came back later and did not know why we were so pissed. 
Well, at least no one tried to compare our boobs this time. (There is a lot of weird lore). 

I´m mainly happy to be home and just chill alone at the sofa. 
What about you? How did you get through advent?

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Nerdy Prudes Must Die


Few days ago, I was absent-mindedly scrolling through Instagram, and somehow I stumbled upon the rawest piece of animation ever made.
It featured your typical, all-American high school bully, albeit an undead one, chasing a nerd while singing his heart out. He was not terrifying just because of his rage and supernatural nature, but also because he seemed genuinely heartbroken over his apparent eternal damnation. He didn´t throw dumb insults, but deep-cutting questions - aka "Will you pray for me?" in the most dramatic way possible. 
The nerd, on the other hand, decided to stand up for himself ("I´m not a loser") proving that he didn´t listen to the exposition song at the start.
Because everyone who isn´t Max Jägerman is a nerdy prude and must die.

Video by thirdchildart.

"To summarize (no spoilers) Grace has one sexual fantasy. Three dead, Six traumatized"

- commenter on YouTube

I feel like high schools in Czech Republic and strangely chill compared to the in USA, and I say that as someone who burned out at 15  and watched huge amount of my classmates get hospitalized due to the stress we faced. But at least we didn´t have to care about popularity, I guess.

But, to be fair, the only one who actually cares about it at Hatchefield High is probably Max Jägerman, who uses all his power to ensure that everyone knows their place. He does it in a very self-aware way. He isn´t some dumb, mean bully. He knows he is gonna peak in high school. He knows what he is doing - he was sent to so many therapy consultations that he uses therapy speech as his own. He chose to be this way and it´s honestly very entertaining to watch.

But even evil has loved ones and for Max, it has to be Grace Chasity. It makes sense, in a way - of course, dude with the hugest God complex fell for a Christian fanatic. And she may fight way his (adorably dorky) flirting, but she isn´t immune. As she feels her innocence slipping away, she decides that Max Jägerman must take a fall. 

Through prank that will make him look like a fool.

So she decides to go for help to three biggest nerds in school and the love interest of one them, the mayor´s daughter. So now, we have one potential couple and three eternal virgins fighting against high school class inequality. Because none of this would happen if school tried to do anything effective about the bullying.
Our cast is rewarded with one dead body after their plan goes terribly wrong, because they didn´t take into account one thing - Max is really fucking brave. And now he is really fucking pissed, too.

I know this says a lot about my type in man, but I got very weird, uncomfortable crush on him. Kudos to Will Branner, who gave everything into his performance. 

Nerdy Prudes Must Die was written and produced by Team StarKid, who I didn´t recognize before I watched this piece of art. Then I realized they are the people behind a Very Potter Musical. This feel similar, but superior in every way. 
The humor here is great and stems not only from the situation (that is actually terrifying), but mainly from dialog. This is one of the few cases where swearing actually elevates the jokes.
Just to name a few: 

"Excuse me! I have been waiting for what feels like five fuckin' years, and I still have not received my goddamn hot chocolate!"

"Grace, you are the least fucking persuasive person!"

“This isn’t my fault this isn’t my plan, it’s God’s plan and right now he’s leaving me out to dry! DO SOMETHING YOU SON OF A BITCH!”

The writers knew their audience. Yes, the jokes are funny even if you weren't an artsy weirdo in high school, but I doubt that BBQ Talk would make you laugh otherwise. Still, it doesn´t rely on references and the humor isn´t just meta devoid of any soul, which is very refreshing.

Of course, this wouldn´t work if the characters weren´t really great.

"You're telling me I gotta be funny again!? I didn't do it on purpose the first time!"

- Peter, our male lead 

You can tell that the creators had a lot of fun with the cast. They are not afraid to make any of them look ridiculous, even the assumed cool girl Steph. At the same time, all of them get to show their inner depths, which can make their (no spoilers whose) deaths really tragic. 
And this isn´t just the main characters. Even dumb jocks and mean girls get their fair share of nice moments - usually once Max is gone. Dear God, I´m repeating myself here, but Max is such an interesting character. I would watch him in anything. 
He is really tragic in a way, but at the same, everything gets better once he dies. I suppose that this didn´t make him feel much better in the afterlife.

My taste in men really is a form of self harm.

I was suprised by how good the romance was here. Even with the jokey popular couple. They were so sweet for a minor characters, it was surprisingly cute. 
Our main couple, Pete and Steph, were even better -  I was surprised when I found myself rooting for them. They had great chemistry and they really brought out the best in each other, just as any good couple should. 

Sometimes I felt like the performances were lacking, mainly in the singing parts, but hey. Who am I to judge? The material was brilliant. The chemistry between cast was great. And Max was the probably the best bully I have ever seen. 

As for the music, Nerdy Prudes Must Die is an absolute banger. Overall tone of the songs is high energy, rock, maybe a bit of pop punk. You can definitely skip some songs, but there going some that you will want to hear again, like Literal Monster, greatest introduction song in a long time. 

It felt a little bit like mix of The Front Bottoms and Panic at the Disco.

You can, and should, watch the whole thing on YouTube. It´s amazing.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

How Much Can You Get For Free In Olomouc?

I study in Olomouc, and so far, it´s probably one of the best places I have ever lived in. It´s ideal for students - after all, it hosts second oldest and third biggest university in our country. I study Film studies and Archeaology there and as a student, I can do A LOT for free.

Photos are unrelated, they are from my sister´s (brunette) and best friend´s (blonde) visit. I thought they are cute (ღ˘⌣˘ღ).

I go to slam seminary (slaminary, if you wish) every week. I never read my work and I don´t even have it in my curriculum - it´s just for the vibes - and it´s in this great little wine place with the cutest waiter I have ever seen.
It´s always interesting and a lot of my friends go there, so I look forward it. We have Hear Me Out Cakes session today after it, so I´m double excited.
Last week, between slaminary and Twilight screening, we went for a pizza. I got a piece for around 1.50 euros, and another for free from friend :D. We usually go to Karamba, it´s cheap and good.

After slaminary, I usually go to Film Projection. I have it in my curriculum - this semester it´s all about vampires. Sadly, life usually happens and I have to be somewhere else (ehm, it starts at 18:30 - just as a lot of functions). This week, however, I had to go. Twilight was calling. I even dressed in my best Alice-inspired outfit. 
A lot of people go there too - it´s cinema for free.

I knew that there is going to be slam competition in Jazz Tibet club, and that a lot of my friends are going to participate, but I didn´t want to pay the entrance fee AND I really wanted to see Twilight, so I figured I can skip this. 
As you can quess, I ended up going - I went to slam night straight from this. i just had to. 
And since I came very late, I didn´t have to pay anything. It was fun - a lot of my friends got crush on the same guy, one of the got me free fries and even though none of my friends won anything, some of the texts were really interesting. I don´t remember the winner, but one of the guys (my classmate) had the funniest slam about bugs. It was hysterical.

After this, we ended things in Vertigo, a bar I used to work in. I came home at 2:30, tired, but happy. 

What did I want to say in this post? I love being student and I love being in Olomouc. So if you ever get the chance to come there, do it - you won´t be let down :D.

Bye! See you soon again.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

6th Week: My favorite Lolita brand

For the longest time (as you can read in this 2022 post), I would be pretty confident that it´s Metamorphose. When I started admiring lolita fashion (I was 13), they were still pretty much a wildcard and I loved it. I was so much into prints back then and I really digged casual sweet, so they seemed perfect.

Since then, I feel like they got more in line with other Japanesse brands and honestly, I prefer solid/all over classic prints.
That doesn´t mean a couldn´t choose from their newest releases – the „old-school“ headdresses are pretty and their newest coat is to die for. Also, have you seen Lost Kitten and the Magic Lantern? It reminds me of AatP.
This applies mostly to they newer releases. I´m still in love with all the gobelins and lace from their old-school dresses, and if anyone has a Leopard Heart they don´t wear, I´ll be more than happy to help you from that dress. Also, it makes me happy that they are still re-releasing Antique Bouquet.
I don´t think it´s an accident that I have been into Psychical Drop a lot more lately.

Oh, the dichotomy of girl´s heart

So what are my favourite brands in 2024? My heart has two sides.
First is more casual. I have been talking about Emily Temple Cute a lot, but can you blame me? It´s adorable and looks so comfortable. I can dress it up and down, even without petticoat. It gives me british boarding school vibes most of the time, no matter the print or type of clothing. Preppy Tartan is gorgeous (Clueless alert), Mellow Strawberry Tierred Long OP Is chefs kiss and I even love Baby Chick, which is the complete oposite of my style. It´s not because of the print, but also all those small details that make their pieces look more dainty. I don´t really wear colours, and even if I do it´s usually in addition black, but I could change that for ETC. This is what lolita does for me.

The other half is goth. Full on Sisters of Mercy, London After Midnight goth. That admires Antique Beast (things I would do for Ivy Rose OP), Alice and the Pirates (Monochrome Gauze Shirt Dress anyone?) and of course Moi-meme-Moitié (even though this one felt unispired lately). I admire their attention to detail and the fact that they can tranform me into totally different realm just with some fabric.

On the other hand, they also remind me that I don´t really have a favourite brand right now.
At this point, I´m going more for the vibe than for the name, even though I still trust some brands a bit more. Also, I´m surprised how much does a good social team do - according to Instagram, my favourite brand is Atelier Pierrot, because I really dig their content.
It´s just so pleasing for me. 

Also, sorry for completely vanishing, I finished my Erasmus (:() and then I had to dive straight into the end of winter semester. But I´m back!

Thursday, 17 October 2024

5th Week; My wardrobe turnover


I don´t buy a lot of main pieces. I have always been cautious about finances, (up until my party era), and it´s safe to say that if I will buy any piece that isn´t worn too much, I will sell it. Sometimes I regret it (Oh, Velveteen Frill!) but it needs to be done.

This is how I lost my first piece (waffle skirt from Bodyline), first brand (Velveteeeen Friiilllll, come back) and even the OTT OP of my dreams (Dreamy Jewels). And, of course, many others.
It makes my heart ache, sometimes, but I need to be practical. On the other side, if I get my hands on cute cardigan, sweater, or even a socks, they are not leaving :D. I will keep them forever.
I´m rather proud of my ability to recognize when something is not my style anymore and sell it, but sometimes it leaves a lasting hole in my heart. I´m not talking about that Old School fantasy, as I still don´t even have proper wardrobe to store it, but rather Love Nadia dress. It didn´t work in brown all those years ago (2020), but I keep eyeing the sax version. I mean, I have many things to go with…. And it´s going to be my birthday soon...

I didn´t post too much lately, my mom and sister visited me. We went to Fountainbleau and Auvers sur Oise, which was nice. I like getting out of Paris, it has been so overcrowded this entire week for some reason. 

Autumn in France is so beautiful, I feel aesthetic just from waking up.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

4th Week; Favorite thing to put on my head

 Yet another theme I repeat for the second time. That post from October 2022 starts with a notion that I got drunkest out of our group, but people loved it. See, that´s the problem with being funny while drunk. I get very honest, sometimes passive aggressive, always in a joking mood, and people mistake that for me being a jester.

That´s why I shouldn´t drink :D. I get to hurt people without punishment, sometimes even with a reward, and that isn´t right. I need that karmic truck to hit me.

Is Marghareta Head Bow still my favourite accessory to put on? Depends. I mean, it looks great with ½ of my wardrobe, but only if I have newly trimmed bangs. You can see how unfortunate it looked with longer ones in a Christmas meet-up.
While it´s still cute, and I will thrown it into the mix every now and then, it gives me a headache and I need to check if it sits right on my head surprisingly often.
On the other hand, it´s stunning, with it white and beige lace, pearl details and delicate design.

What I actually wear in my day to day life is a huge velvet bow, that I got for birthday from my bestie, Peťa. (The same one from the old edition of this article.) It´s from Sinsay I think, and it´s not lolita specific, but dear Mana, do I love it :D. It elevates outfits, helps me do something with my fine, messy hair and I feel like it even improves my posture if that makes any sense.
I usually wear it with a velvet dresses (and I do have quite a collection).
It´s long, so sometimes I just like having the ends on my shoulders :D. It reminds me of Alice (from the Wonderland, not Alice Cullen. But man, would that be cool.)
Most of my other bows have broken clips, but I want to fix that. I also want to do more things with my hair. It´s very fine, but at the same time, it never listens to me. It´s hard to make event he easiest hairstyles with it.
But that can´t stop me! I swear, I will share my progress :D.

See you next time!

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Rue de la Verrerie; Best Thrifting Street in Paris?


The city of love is just as expensive as you would expect. With all the boutiques, brands and price of rent, I pretty much window shop at groceries, most of the time. Also, the selection is weirdly boring. Outside of shops specifically for alternative clothing, everything seems to be beige, white, and too simple.
Weirdly enough, this made me appreciate Brandy Melville as they have at least some identity and I can realistically purchase their clothing. Also, it´s my sister´s favourite brand, so it makes me think of her.
Good thing that there are thrift shops! Vintage, cheap, specifically just Japanesse… they have everything. However, Paris is gigantic. You could easily spend 30 minutes in the metro between two stores, and that kind of sucks the fun out of the shopping day. So today, I will talk only about one of my favorite streets - Rue de la Verrerie.

Christmas Press-On Nails (MY FIRST ONES EVER)

 Hii!  Would you believe I have never had fake nails before? In my 21 years, I survived on nail polish. That changed when I first saw the cu...